Two decades ago, e-commerce and cloud computing were relatively novel concepts, but both industries have grown like wildfire. In fact, consumers will spend an estimated $4.9 trillion online this year, and 92{4224f0a76978c4d6828175c7edfc499fc862aa95a2f708cd5006c57745b2aaca} of businesses now rely on cloud services. From an investor’s perspective, both of those secular trends create tremendous […]

Hays’ James Milligan examines the skills tech leaders will need in order to meet the demands of their industry and their workforce. Deloitte’s latest Global Technology Leadership Study, published in May 2020, found that almost seven in 10 (69pc) expect tech leaders to be change instigators within their organisation. The study, which included […]

Fourteen writers and editors at business publication Fast Company have chosen the Next Big Things In Tech. They broke the 65 companies up into six categories with innovations in industries, including credit, crypto, electric vehicles, voter data, water, and animation, among many more. The six categories are money, smart machines, sustainability, AI […]