U.S. stocks slid Friday as buyers digested a more powerful-than-envisioned employment report and its implication for financial plan going forward. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell about 285 details, or .9{4224f0a76978c4d6828175c7edfc499fc862aa95a2f708cd5006c57745b2aaca}. The S&P 500 slipped 1.5{4224f0a76978c4d6828175c7edfc499fc862aa95a2f708cd5006c57745b2aaca}. The engineering-major Nasdaq Composite fell 2.4{4224f0a76978c4d6828175c7edfc499fc862aa95a2f708cd5006c57745b2aaca}. Employing in the U.S. remained elevated in May […]

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